Walk to Westerbork
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"Walk to Westerbork" is a remarkable virtual reality experience told through an intensely personal account of a young girl’s survival during the Holocaust. Audiences accompany Rodi Glass as she revisits the sights of her survival from Amsterdam, Westerbork transit camp and Vittel internment camp. Filmed on location in the Netherlands, France and the United States, Rodi's story has been brought to life, using 360 video technology alongside 3D environments, animation, motion capture, and a spatial soundtrack. "Walk to Westerbork" is a story of luck, defiance and love for family. Showing the capacity for the human spirit to not only survive, but thrive.
Part of B3 Virtual Reality. Book your ticket at: ASTOR Film Lounge MyZeil
Cast and crew
About the director(s):
Mary Matheson:
Mary Matheson is an award-winning immersive documentary director specializing in character-led under-represented narratives. Her work has shown at UN Climate Change Summit, General Assembly, Sheffield Doc Fest & Annecy Animation Festival. Currently directing an immersive doc about NASA’s Artemis Mission (Sky UK), she is also Professor, Narrative & Emerging Media, Arizona State University, Los Angeles.