Between The Words

Entre las motas
15 min
Regional Premiere


Frédéric, a young law student afflicted with a stutter, must pass an oral exam for his last online assignment. His stutter threatens to get in his way, and so he attempts everything to get rid of it.

Between The Words / Entre Las Palabras(Luxembourg)
Global Short Competition / Corto Global Ficción
15 min/ Farid IsmaïlFrédéric, a young law student afflicted with a stutter, must pass an oral exam for his last online assignment. His stutter threatens to get in his way, and so he attempts everything to get rid of it.
Frédéric, un joven estudiante de derecho que padece tartamudez, debe aprobar un examen oral para su último trabajo en línea. Su tartamudez amenaza con interponerse en su camino, por lo que intenta todo lo posible para deshacerse de ella.