The Matriarx
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The Matriarx is an immersive VR experience taking the heroine and hero into a world where matriarchal structures have endured. It is a parallel world in which people treat each other based on a different set of societal rules. This has its effect on social, economic and the political life. Family and love relationships function differently. How do you perceive yourself in a world that follows different structures? The Matriarx will open the experiencers’ horizons by raising their curiosity and by empowering them. This experience will attract everyone who is curious about societal change.
VR Hex | Explanada Forum Cultural
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Explanada Forum Cultural
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Explanada Plaza La Luciernaga
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Explanada Plaza La Luciernaga
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Explanada Plaza La Luciernaga
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Plaza del Artista
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Plaza del Artista
VR Hex Official Selection
VR Hex | Plaza del Artista
VR Hex Official Selection
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
After finishing her engineering degree in the field of “digital television” in Austria in 2004 Julia went to Berlin to study at the German Film and Television Academy. During her studies she produced, wrote and directed several film projects, studied at the University of Columbia in New York and started working at the Boje Buck Film Production and the Delphi Filmverleih in Berlin as head of distribution. She finished her studies with a feature film script which later was optioned by a production company and turned into a tv series conecept by Julia. In her work she focuses on female perspectives and characters, no matter how weird or funny or normal they could be as she believes women are not truthfully represented in the media of today. In 2016 she co-founded the Sinnema Animation Studio and started diving into the field of Virtual Reality. She is currently working a lot in VR and explores this medium with all its hidden depths and possibilities. On Julia builds a platform to connect with women in VR.