for here am i sitting in a tin can far above the world
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A woman dreams of the American cryptographer Hal Finney. A major economic crisis affects the cryptocurrency market, tens of thousands of people are cryogenized waiting for a better future. Are they suspended or falling into the void? What strange relationship do we have with the future?
Auditorio Mateo Herrera
Official Selection Experimental 1
Auditorio Miguel Malo | Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante"
Official Selection Experimental 1
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
Gala Hernández López is an artist-researcher and filmmaker. Her work articulates interdisciplinary research with the production of essay films, video installations and performances on the new modes of subjectivation specifically produced by computational digital capitalism. She examines from a feminist and critical lens the discourses and imaginaries circulating in virtual communities as symptomatic fictions of a state of the world. Her work has been shown at Berlinale, DOK Leipzig, Cinéma du Réel, IndieLisboa, Transmediale and the Salon de Montrouge, and she won the 2024 César Award for best short documentary. Es una artista e investigadora que vive entre París y Berlín. Su trabajo articula la investigación interdisciplinar con la producción de ensayos fílmicos sobre subjetividades y capitalismo digital, abordándolo desde un prisma feminista, poético y crítico. Su película La Mecánica de los Fluidos ganó el César al mejor cortometraje documental en 2024.