The Wheel Knows My Name
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Portrait of Mexico City. Center of chaos. Anonymous cross each other, self-absorbed in their daily life and existence. She in movement, he in paralysis. Both living in the past, evading the present. They inhabit the realm of cycles trying to free themselves from attachment and suffering. Movement and paralysis intertwine in a city trapped in the cycles of earthly and recurrent existence.
Auditorio Mateo Herrera
Cinemex Luciérnaga | Sala 7
Cinemex Jacarandas | Sala 10
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
For nine years he served as programming director of the International Short Film Festival Short Shorts Film Festival Mexico. He is currently the Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Film at the Universidad de la Comunicación, previously he was part of the teaching staff at the CCC. Director and producer at Taller Tritón independent production company and Zycra films, distributor of auteur films. Founder and artistic director at Black Canvas. As a producer he has premiered his films in prestigious festivals. La Rueda conoce mi nombre is his debut film.