The third world after the sun
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A transvestite ritual performed by the artists Analú Laferal and Tiagx Vélez, opens a portal and generates an encounter with a European missionary from the fifteenth century who has delved deep into the jungle in order to fight the belief of animals as divine.
Auditorio Mateo Herrera
Official Selection Experimental 1
Cinemex Stadium | Sala 4
Midnight Madness
Geek and Coffee
Midnight Madness
Auditorio Miguel Malo | Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante"
Official Selection Experimental 1
Cinemex Jacarandas | Sala 10
Midnight Madness
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
TIAGX VÉLEZ: Director, film editor and transvestite. Magister in documentary film. Her artistic practices focus on the intersections of experimental film, expanded cinema, and archival work, in order to address queer existences, counter-anthropocentrist thinking and occultist practices.
ANALÚ LAFERAL: Accidental artist, newcoming writer, retreating performer, and castaway of body noise. She performs minor rituals through mundane technologies. Professor and researcher from Universidad de Antioquia.