The third world after the sun

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El tercer mundo después del sol
Director Tiagx Vélez, Analú Laferal
Year 2024
Runtime 20 min
Country Colombia
Language Spanish
Subtitles English


A transvestite ritual performed by the artists Analú Laferal and Tiagx Vélez, opens a portal and generates an encounter with a European missionary from the fifteenth century who has delved deep into the jungle in order to fight the belief of animals as divine.



Auditorio Mateo Herrera

Official Selection Experimental 1

Saturday 20.7.

Cinemex Stadium | Sala 4

Midnight Madness

Saturday 20.7.

Geek and Coffee

Midnight Madness

Tuesday 23.7.

Auditorio Miguel Malo | Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante"

Official Selection Experimental 1

Thursday 25.7.

Cinemex Jacarandas | Sala 10

Midnight Madness

Saturday 27.7.

Cast and crew

Director Tiagx Vélez, Analú Laferal
Producer Juliana Zuluaga Montoya
Writer Analú Laferal, Tiagx Vélez
Cast Tiagx Vélez, Analú Laferal
Editor Analú Laferal, Tiagx Vélez
Sound Abel Villa, Deimer Quintero
dop David Correa, Jairo Martínez
Art Director Juanita Salamanca, Daniel Rincón

Director's bio:
TIAGX VÉLEZ: Director, film editor and transvestite. Magister in documentary film. Her artistic practices focus on the intersections of experimental film, expanded cinema, and archival work, in order to address queer existences, counter-anthropocentrist thinking and occultist practices.

ANALÚ LAFERAL:  Accidental artist, newcoming writer, retreating performer, and castaway of body noise. She performs minor rituals through mundane technologies. Professor and researcher from Universidad de Antioquia.
