The Strange Case Of The Human Cannonball
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One morning, a mysterious man is found lying in the square of a village inhabited by only six residents. No one knows who he is, nor where he came from. They must act quickly and decide what to do before the stranger awakens.
Auditorio Mateo Herrera
Niños en Acción 2
Auditorio Miguel Malo | Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramírez "El Nigromante"
Niños en Acción 2
Teatro de la Ciudad
Niños en Acción 2
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
Roberto Valencia (Beto Val) is a children's story writer, publicist and digital artist. He has worked for more than 20 years as creative director in several communication agencies in Quito-Ecuador. He is co-creator of the children's magazine ¡elé! the comic of Captain Escudo, the first Ecuadorian superhero and has directed seven 2D animated series for educational television in Ecuador, with the production company Zonacuario. Beto Val is also a digital artist, specializing in vintage surrealism. He has more than 270,000 followers on Instagram and his collage work has been recognized in several countries. He is currently preparing exhibitions of his work in Spain and Mexico.