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At the age of seventy, May, who had experienced two failed marriages, feels a sense of unwillingness. She traverses Shanghai every day, searching for love and a potential partner who could accompany her in the remaining years. She busies herself during the day, navigating the extensive transportation network of the city, and returns to her rented house in the out- skirts at night. The gatherings and rendez-vous of the elderly provide opportunities for May to meet with diverse personal- ities and interesting stories. May leads us into an unfamiliar urban space, a world of elderly people full of unique charm.
Cinemex Luciérnaga | Sala 7
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
Born in Shanghai, China in 1976 and entering the industry at 18, LUO Dong’s working experience as the cinema- tographer encompasses various fields such as film, music, architecture, and fashion. In 2014, he directed debut film NEW YORK NEW YORK, starring Ethan JUAN and Juan DU. The project was selected for Shanghai Interna- tional Film Festival’s Project Pitch section and received the “Special Attention Award” prize. In the field of advertising, the director also has extensive creative experience, having collaborated with numer- ous top brands and magazines as a director and a director of photography.