This short film is an animation created by some high school girls from the "Escuela de Talentos León" located in the city of León Guanajuato. The story tells how some small mushrooms arrived at the grandmother's house by accident and were almost devoured by her. However, love and friendship and family unity overcame everything and so they ended up being very good friends and a great family. This stop motion animation was created with an iPad, and edited in iMovie.
Niños en Acción 1
Niños en Acción 1
Director's bio:
Marco Flores is a public school teacher in the state of Guanajuato in Mexico in the city of Leon. An engineer in Information Technology, he was able to take his passion for filmmaking by using technology to develop stop motion projects and short films to combat issues surrounding his community and the country. Being passionate about the magic of technology and the visual arts, allows him to take his vision of a future where the next generations will take the reins, so teaching will allow him to guide a Mexico full of peace, love, creativity and innovation.