El precio de Educarlos
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When the Rebolledo accountants' children finally leaave their home, their lonely parents, feeling abandoned, come up with the crazy plan to win the lottery in order to regain the interest of Pali and Marcelo. Posing as millionaires works wonders, so much so that their children give up their personal ventures in order to be close to them. But things get out of control when they demand the same luxuries.
El Precio de Educarlos is produced by Sony Pictures International Productions and Feel Good Films and set to launch exclusively on streaming platform Max in October.
Teatro de la Ciudad
Cast and crew
Director's bio:
Survivor of Mexico City and Centro de Capacitacion Cinematografica Film School. With just a fist full of films, Portes has developed an unique style with his distinctive dark sense of humor, strong storytelling and powerful imagery that reflects the day Mexican way of life. In 2020, his 4th film, Belzebuth, a thriller about infanticides, an excommunicated priest and possessed religious icons, set in the mexican border, sold more than 720,000 tickets with great reviews. On Shudder, was the 5th most watched film of the year. The film won Best Picture at the Santiago Horror Fest and Best Special Effects at Buenos Aires Rojo Sangre after having premiered at Sitges and Brussels Fantastic Film Fest. In 2020 the film staring Tobin Bell and Joaquin Cosio won two Ariel Awards from the Mexican Film Academy in addition to four nominations. The film was initially released in Amazon Prime and currently haunts viewers on Netflix. In 2014, his 3th film and 1st gun for hire The Popcorn Chronicles (a parody about Mexican Cinema) sold around a million and a half tickets and gathered mixed reviews, but ranking as the 8th most seen film of that year in Mexico. In 2011, his 2th film Pastorela, a Christmas Horror-Comedy about Police Agents vs. Exorcists, opened 2nd place at the Mexican Box Office and sold about a million tickets aside the winter blockbusters for 10 weeks. In 2012 won 7 Ariel Awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay among 14 nominations. Since, the film has become a Mexican Cult Christmas Classic which ran for 6 years on Netflix and now plays on VIX. In 2008, his debut film, Meet the Head of Juan Perez , a horror comedy about a low life Magician and a Cursed Guillotine, won the Best First Picture Award at Guadalajara´s International Film Festival and the Press Award at Guanajuato´s International Film Festival. In 2010, the film won four Ariel Awards. Currently Portes, is member of the National Artist Fund while dressing Baby Jesus Dolls, writing and directing commissions for streaming platforms And develops a vampire comedy while preparing to release his latest horror film Don't Leave the Kids Alone while looking for financing his next cinematic adventure.