
ProMeetings is a dynamic platform where filmmakers present projects in development to a select audience of international co-producers, distributors, and financiers. To schedule a meeting with a project, visit Meetings will take place in Nave Generadores, 2nd floor on Sep 27, 28, and 29.
Feature Films
6 Meses en el Edificio Rosa con Azul (MX, DK, US)
Director: Bruno Arnaldo Santamaría Razo
Producers: Bruna Rocha Haddad (SinSitio Cine), Carlos Alejandro Quiñonez (Ojo de Vaca Productora)
Contact: Carlos H Quiñónez ([email protected])
Mexico City, 1996. When Bruno turns 12 his parents take him to the Romeo + Juliet shooting. Bruno gets a crush on Romeo, also on his best friend Vladimir. When Bruno’s father is diagnosed with HIV, Vladimir stops talking to him. After 6 months, the diagnosis turns out to be a mistake from the hospital. His father won't die.
Americana (MX)
Director: Mauricio Miguel Calderon Rico
Producer: Daniel Loustaunau (Colectivo Colmena)
Contact: Mauricio Calderon Rico ([email protected])
Emiliano, mexicano de 28 años, llega a L.A. para trabajar solo. Su vida cambia cuando su jefe envía a Pedro, un chicano de 34 años que disfruta del sexo gay, la marihuana y el fútbol. A pesar de sus diferencias, forman una amistad que se profundiza. Más adelante conocen a Jessica, una americana de 38 años. Juntos enfrentan un choque cultural y la frustración de no cumplir sus expectativas de vida.
La Vida Azarosa de Javier Sánchez (MX, US)
Director: Karla Paulina Sánchez
Producers: Adriana Trujillo (Kabinet 101), Marla Arreola (Norteña Cine)
Contact: Karla Paulina Sanchez ([email protected])
My father's life was marked by the experience of inhabiting a border territory. After his unexpected death in the frontier city of Calexico, California, a secret was revealed that shed a new light on the autobiographical stories he left behind. With these texts, my memories, and the words of the people who were close to him, I reconstruct his story to speak about chance and destiny, love and loss.
Las buenas decisiones (UY)
Directors: Valentina Gedanke Abelenda, Josefina Trías
Producers: Valentina Baracco Pena (Monarca Films), Valentina Inés Gedanke Abelenda
Contact: Valentina Gedanke ([email protected])
Clara, 35 años, enfrenta una serie de desafíos y cambios en su vida durante las estaciones del año tras abandonar a su pareja en el aeropuerto. Se muda, busca volver a su trabajo en un teatro y cuida a la gata del vecino. Por un vínculo amoroso fallido, su amor por la gata y una cita casual, retoma su pasión por la escritura, dirige su primera obra teatral, abrazando el futuro para seguir adelante.
Karukinka (CL)
Director: Juan Pablo Arias Muñoz
Producer: Maximiliano Scheleff Baquedano (Pajareza Films)
The inhabitants of an isolated town in Chilean Patagonia face a moral crisis when their youngest is found murdered, forcing them to decide whether to alert the authorities or hide the events to save the town and their way of life.
Once the victim’s mother manages to confirm the identity of the killer, she is torn between taking part in the cover-up as a form of justice or saving the murderer from execution to avoid further bloodshed.
Karukinka is a film that explores isolation, justice, and humanity against the background of a breathtaking natural environment.
The Middle (US)
Director: Sylvia Ray
Producer: Maria Betania Fernandez
After her high school crush is accidentally murdered, Joanna Baca must navigate the rippling aftermath and decide whether to tell the truth or protect her family.
El intermediario (MX, GT)
Director: Izabel Acevedo
Producer: Nina Wara Carrasco (Estacion Marte Films)
Contact: Nina Wara Carrasco ([email protected])
In the Guatemalan coffee mountains, Agustín Brito, an obedient mestizo foreman, has to mediate as his lifelong boss pressures him to convince the tenacious Q’eqchi’ indigenous community to give them access to an ancient aquifer for its exploitation. As his alcoholism threatens to come back, Brito struggles between his own sense of ethics and the fear of ending a lifetime of work with nothing.
Tres enigmas para Luis Morla (AR)
Director: Nicolas Turjanski
Producers: Ingrid Pokropek (36 Caballos), Juan Segundo Álamos (36 Caballos), Ivan Moscovich (36 Caballos)
Contact: Ivan Moscovich ([email protected])
El hallazgo de una colección de fotografías en una casa abandonada lleva al narrador a descubrir un cineasta olvidado, productor de películas míticas argentinas y director de cine erótico, y con él los rastros de una película bélica inconclusa. A partir de estos indicios cree poder develar un plan militar secreto.
As de Diamantes (CO)
Producer: Sebastian Caballero (Red Collision Studios)
Contact: Andrés Ferro ([email protected])
In the early 2000s, Talí, Lola, and Hermes work for the administrative department of security in Colombia. These three characters create a gang that commits crimes from the very bowels of the state, but between secrets and bad moves, they will end up sealing their own destiny.
Noreste 5.1 (MX)
Directors: Fernando Fidel Urdapilleta Jimenez, José Ramón Chávez Delgado
Producers: Antonio David Urdapilleta Cruz (La Palma de Oro Films), Alejandra García Guzmán (La Palma de Oro Films)
Contact: Antonio David Urdapilleta Cruz ([email protected])
Después de arruinar su último, Vargas, un detective cínico y García, su compañera novata socialmente incómoda; son asignados a lo que parece ser un simple caso de homicidio. A medida que investigan se encuentran con una peligrosa organización coreana, tan poderosa que no podrán confiar en nadie, ni siquiera en ellos mismos o en su restaurante favorito de comida china ubicado en Monterrey.
¿Quién demonios es Sylvia Pop? (MX)
Producer: Armando Padilla Sánchez (PIXEL VIDEO AND DIT SERVICES, S.A. DE C.V.)
Contact: Armando Padilla Sanchez ([email protected])
Sylvia Pop, llena de glamour y vanidad, se transforma en una nueva promesa del mundo under en México y para el mundo. Pero antes deberá enfrentar los desafíos para llegar a la fama.
Sylvia reivindica la igualdad de géneros, la aceptación de los más distintos cuerpos y la verdadera libertad sexual. Mientras trata de darle sentido a su vida, plantea nuevas reglas para el existencialismo actual.