Work in Progress

The Works in Progress (WIP) program at Monterrey Film Festival showcases films in post-production, offering a first look to industry professionals. These exclusive screenings will take place at Cineteca Sala 3, and require an industry badge for entry. Below, you'll find the schedule for each film's screening, including the date and time.

Screening Schedule Summary

September 26, 2024:
09:30 AM - Hombrecito
12:30 PM - Hijas de un tiempo

September 27, 2024:
12:00 PM - Contra la naturaleza
05:00 PM - Allá donde nace el sol

September 28, 2024:
09:00 AM - Toda una vida
12:00 PM - Nido de burbujas

September 26, 2024

Hombrecito (MX, US)

Screening Date: September 26, 2024

Time: 09:30 AM

Director: Miguel Nuñez

Producers: Miguel Nuñez (Osuna Cine), Roberto Fiesco (Mil Nubes Cine), Iliana Reyes (Indomable Cine)

Contact: [email protected]

Amador es un chaparrito romántico que encabeza una revuelta campesina en contra de los abusos de una algodonera estadounidense. En su aventura por defender el derecho a la tierra, tiene peleas de kung-fu, es acechado por un fantasma y recurre a un conjuro que lo convierte en el pistolero más temido del Valle.
Kristyan Ferrer es Amador. (Kristyan Ferrer es Amador)

Hijas de un tiempo (AR)

Screening Date: September 26, 2024

Time: 12:30 PM

Director: Matías Italo Scarvaci

Producer: Matias Scarvaci (Naso Cine)

Contact: [email protected]

Alejandra está detenida en el pabellón de madres de la cárcel de Ezeiza, junto a su hija Aithana de dos años de edad. Ella nació allí, no conoce el mundo exterior. Cuando cumpla 4 años será separada de su madre. Es este tiempo el que ambas tendrán para construir los recuerdos del futuro.
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September 27, 2024

Contra la naturaleza (MX)

Screening Date: September 27, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM

Director: Axel Cuevas de Chaunac

Producer: Fernanda de la Peza (Cárcava Cine)

Contact: [email protected]

Jonas returns home after being away for a long time. He reintegrates into life and begins working as a stonemason. After witnessing an act of anger from his father against a mule, Jonas falls into a deep sleep where a buried violence emerges, leading him to commit an irrevocable crime.
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Allá donde nace el sol (HN)

Screening Date: September 27, 2024

Time: 05:00 PM

Directors: Jorge García, Laura Bermúdez

Producer: Servio Mateo (Comunicadores Asociados)

Contact: [email protected]

The story follows Jorge García, a Garifuna musician and dancer from the Afro-descendant communities in the Honduran Caribbean. In his quest to reclaim his cultural heritage, Jorge embarks on an immersive and poetic cinematic journey to the most remote Garifuna villages in Honduras. Guided by a “Buyei”, Jorge confronts his inner struggles and finds resilience through the essence of his roots.
Jorge García danzando. (Jorge García danzando.)

September 28, 2024

Toda una vida (MX)

Screening Date: September 28, 2024

Time: 09:00 AM

Director: Ariel Gutierrez

Producers: Victor Leycegui (Varios Lobos), Daniel Vota (Varios Lobos), Raymundo Hernandez

Contact: [email protected]

Armín is a young man with obesity problems who lives in northern Mexico. At school, he is teased and bullied by his classmates because of his weight. Over the course of a long weekend, Armín will be forced to enter adulthood, confront his bullies, make peace with his family, and deal with the sudden disappearance of his mother.

Nido de burbujas (MX)

Screening Date: September 28, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM

Director: Paloma Serna Ramones

Producers: Michelle Silva Saucedo, Paloma Serna Ramones, Carlos Lenin Treviño Rodríguez, Daniela Serna Ramones (Huasteca Casa Cinematográfica)

Contact: [email protected]

At the turn of the millennium in Monterrey, a wealthy but dysfunctional family prepares to celebrate New Year's Eve, while Sofia (10) loses the affection of her best friend and faces the challenges of growing up in an increasingly violent world.
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