As the Tide Comes In
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Sea levels are rising, extreme weather ravages and the birds are disappearing. How long would you have stayed?
Vega Scene 3
As The Tide Comes In + Samtale: En ny generasjon klimafilmer
For the 27 residents of the Danish tidal island Mandø, this is just a part of everyday life. Here, climate change is making it increasingly difficult to stay on the small island. The terrain becomes wet and affected by the frequent storms.
Nevertheless, the islanders intend to stay.
«As the Tide Comes In» is a beautiful hybrid documentary that captures the everyday life of a small and hardened ecosystem. Between delightful conversations with the centenarian Mie, the bird watcher Niels and the hopeless romantic Gregers, we also observe a unique landscape in constant change.
Talk after screening March 10:
En ny generasjon klimafilmer
Klimaendringene er her, nå. Det er også dokumentarfilmene om dem. Klimafilmer handler ikke lenger om å bevise at klimaendringer skjer, men om hvordan klimaendringene påvirker oss, livene vi lever og samfunnet vårt.
HUMAN IDFF viser dokumentaren «As the Tide Comes In», om en tidevannsøy i Danmark som påvirkes kraftig av klimaendringer. Hvor lenge kan de 27 øyboerne bli værende?
Etter filmen får du møte nordiske dokumentarfilmskapere som på hver sin måte forteller om livet i en varmere verden. Hva vil de med filmene sine? Hvordan og hvorfor dokumenterer de klimaendringenes konsekvenser? Hvordan forsøker de å fortelle om klima på nye, engasjerende måter?
Andreas Dalsgaard, produsent i Elk Films for «As The Tide Comes In»
Sarah Winge-Sørensen, impact produsent for «Sau»
Moderator: Anne Gerd Grimsby Haarr
Samtalen krever billett til visningen av «As the Tide Comes In».
About the director:
Juan Palacios is a Basque director and cinematographer. Previously, he directed the documentaries «Pedaló» (2016) and «Mesata» (2019). The latter had its premiere at and won an award during CHP:DOX. It was also here he came in contact with the Danish team for this year’s project. Co-director Sofie Husum Johannesen has worked in the Danish film industry for several years, and this is her first documentary film with directing.